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A member registered Nov 20, 2021

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(3 edits)

Thanks for the reply. 1x1 is not really a feasible option unless I want to print a whole bundle of paper. Like 370 sheets and use a crazy amount of ink. I thought about fixing the 4x4 myself in a PDF editor (only take about an hour or two) but decided against it because I want to experience the story with out spoilers. That’s what I’m paying for I guess in my mind. If I have to have the difficultly flipping back and forth because the dates don’t line up to the corresponding resolution day on a printed version or fixing it to work in a simpler fashion, it takes away from the enjoyment of what would be a relaxing, fun time.   Just my 2 cents from having played the first one and found it much easier to navigate when printed out 4x4 in the way provided in 2021.  Not a big ask I would hope. Thanks

First off, I thoroughly enjoyed last years calendar. It was fun and great little time killer.  Please see below for my frustration with this years.  

Arg. Couple months worth of sheets wasted printing.  Glad its split up by month so i didn't waste printing out a full year.  This layout might make sense if your cutting them out.  I purchased the PDF of last years and then the physical of this year but wanted an extra copy to do for this year.  To have it print out like this on  4x4 or even 2x2 sheet and then put in a binder which I assume MOST will do when doing it in that style makes it annoyingly difficult to see which page is for which. Especially because you have to look at the next or previous page for the first and last one on each front.  Please release a PDF with the same layout as last year.  Month by month or year, doesn't matter.  I will not be printing the last 10 months out.  It makes it unenjoyable if we have to search and flip for each one.  If this is not added i will likely not be purchasing next years.